OrganoNutri Turmeric - Basil Latte-100gms

Turmeric Basil Latte Mix - Immunizing Spice Mix - Vintage Recipe OrganoNutri - Food for a good cause Contains Turmeric, Brown Sugar, Basil Seeds, Green Cardamom, Cinnamon, Black Pepper and Ginger powder. Supplementation with curcumin from turmeric may boost levels of adiponectin, a protein hormone with multiple beneficial effects, including regulating blood sugar levels and anti-inflammatory action.

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Health benefits Powerful Anti-oxidant & Anti-microbial Boosts immune system Aids Digestion Aids good sleep Golden Turmeric Milk with Basil Seeds (or Turmeric Tea) — also known as Super Active Turmeric Milk — an Indian drink that has been gaining popularity in Western cultures. It’s touted for its many health benefits and often used as an alternative remedy to boost immunity and stave off illness.

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  • OrganoNutri Turmeric - Basil Latte-100gms (1)