Malta Cooler-500gms

This citrusy cooler is made with newly culled, 100% normally developed maltas (assortment of orange) from our ranch. Exactly what you need on a warm day! Regular/Organic Ingredients: • Malta Juice • Lemon Juice • Organic Sugar


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This custom made concentrate has been made with succulent substance free maltas that fill in the mountains of Uttarakhand. It is a reviving beverage that is liberated from additives and extraordinary for all ages .This fortifying hand created concentrate has been made with recently winnowed without pesticide maltas. It is made with recently squashed malta and lemon crush and is without any added substances.

  • Mix in with 3 to 4 areas chilled water to taste
  • Store up to a year unopened. Refrigerate in the wake of opening

This product contains:

  • Malta Cooler(500ml) (1)