Mustard Honey-500gms

Mustard Honey-500gms

The source flora of mustard honey is Mustard. Mustard honey is the best nutrient supplementary food useful to heart patients. It is also the best appetizer, carrier of nutrients, & blood purifier. Do you understand that taste, flavor & texture of honey varies due to the season, region and flowers in which the bees forays? then why the honey from the supermarkets tastes & smells the same entire 12 months? because the honey by means of huge brands is fairly processed and extremely-filtered to standardize its taste, texture & flavor. but in this technique all the enzymes & nutrients gets destroyed making it a sugar syrup. uncooked honey is the actual honey. Our honey is raw & packed at once from beehives.


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One of the finest honeys from the Beecraft collection, Mustard Honey comes packed with the benefits of honey and the benefits of mustard. A double-benefit product, no doubt. This honey is created by bees who suck nectar from the flowers of Brassica rapa plants. So, this is no ordinary honey.

Excellent for heart patients, the best appetizer, a great blood purifier, and high in nutrition. What else do you ask for in a humble jar of honey?

Grab it now.

This product contains:

  • Mustard Honey-500gm (1)