OrganoNutri Roasted Melon N Flax Seeds | Lightly Salted | Premium Roasted for Eating-900gms

OrganoNutri Roasted Melon N Flax Seeds | Lightly Salted | Premium Roasted for Eating-900gms

Flaxseeds are considered one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet. Rich in heart-loving omega 3 essential fatty acids, lignans, and both soluble and insoluble fiber, flaxseed bestows health benefits like no other.


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Flax seeds contain a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids available in plant form. The flaxseed is a well-rounded source of essential nutrients that keep the body functioning at optimum health and assist in developing a strong immune system.

This product contains:

  • OrganoNutri Roasted Melon N Flax Seeds | Lightly Salted | 900gms | Premium Roasted for Eating (1)