
Organic Wellness Giloy has organic giloy. Which is a powerhouse of antioxidants which fights free-radicals and keeps the cells healthy. It helps to remove toxins, Purifies blood, Fights bacteria that causes diseases and also combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections.


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In Organic Wellness Giloy capsules we uses giloy in whole herb form, i.e. no powder or no extract, so body can get all properties of Giloy. Some ayurveda expert because of excellent medicinal properties also called Giiloy as ‘Amrita’ which can be translated as ‘Root of Immortality’. Giloy best known for or maximum use to increase the immunity, stress and anxiety and to fight with respiratory problems. Giloy benefits, properties and uses also approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Giloy Capsules is also known for it’s Antioxidants property which keeps body free from life’s daily stress and anxiety by fighting body free radicals and keep body cells healthy, so we get rid of diseases

This product contains:

  • Giloy(192gm) (1)