Native Organica A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee| Pure Cow Ghee For Better Health Digestion and Immunity -1000ml

Native Organica A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee| Pure Cow Ghee For Better Health Digestion and Immunity -1000ml

Our Ghee is made through the Authentic Vedic Bilona Process.A2 protein is found only in Desi Indian cows. Gir cows have the highest percentage of A2 protein, which is a much more nutritious and easier to digest type of ghee. This protein is extremely beneficial. Milk to Ghee production is done at the farms in a very comfortable environment for our cows. We are Strictly Against Animal Cruelty and our cows are treated with utmost compassion which reflects in extremely good quality of our Ghee .


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Totally natural, no added colors or preservatives, While we work to ensure that product information is correct sourced from farm level.and No artificial polish or coloring agents use in the process. Rich in protein and dietary fibre.

This product contains:

  • Native Organica A2 Gir Cow Bilona Ghee| Pure Cow Ghee For Better Health Digestion and Immunity (1 Litre) (1)