Tragacanth Gum Crystals-400gms

Tragacanth Gum Crystals-400gms

Excellent source of Fibre, Great for your skin and a natural prebiotic, these crystals have it all! It has some amazing cooling properties and is often used to prepare a drink that helps to cool the body in the summer season. So for all your acne troubles, try this! Gond Katira possesses purgative properties and is very helpful in treating constipation. It works as a natural laxative.


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  • A daily dosage of Gond Katira can help to increase the size of the breasts of women.
  • Gond Katira is an effective aphrodisiac and helps in sexual stimulations in men.
  • Helps in preventing nose-bleeding problems (A typical summer problem with kids) because of its cooling properties.
  • Rich in calcium and magnesium, it is widely used in traditional medicine for treating burns.

This product contains:

  • Tragacanth Gum Crystals-400gms (1)