Anardana Goli-500gms

Digestive with a twist! That’s anardanagolis for you. Packing a punch with the flavor and bringing to you the goodness of Vitamin C!


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What’s a fruit that’s very, very dramatic? There’s no other fruit that quite matches up to the drama level a pomegranate creates. The crimson juiciness of pomegranates look dramatic at sight and delicious to taste. What happens when we take these pomegranate seeds and dry them? Well, we create the perfect anardanagolis, a perfect blend of sour and tangy! These seeds tend to be rich in Vitamin C. Its’ the perfect thing to pop in your mouth after lunch, or when you’re bored or really, just about any-time!

This product contains:

  • Anardana Goli-500gm (1)