Bebe Burp Organic Baby Food Instant Mix Broken Wheat Porridge with Banana & Beetroot - 200gms

Bebe Burp Organic Baby Food Instant Mix Broken Wheat Porridge with Banana & Beetroot - 200gms

A bowl full of nutrition and taste That’s what this instant mix promises and delivers. Broken Wheat, the main ingredient has a nutty and grainy taste with a warm aroma that will fill your heart.


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This instant mix will keep both you and your baby beaming with its easy preparation and 100% organic ingredients. It is highly nutritious because of its raw and unrefined form, it acts as a great dietary supplement. Also known as Dalia. 

This product contains:

  • Bebe Burp Organic Baby Food Instant Mix Broken Wheat Porridge with Banana & Beetroot - 200 gm (1)