Bebe Burp Grandma's Super Puffs Jowar Cheesy Blast Pack Of 4 - 35 gms each

Bebe Burp Grandma's Super Puffs Jowar Cheesy Blast Pack Of 4 - 35 gms each

Bebe Burp's Jowar Cheesy Blast Puffs are a good source of complex carbohydrates and proteins, which helps in giving a higher satiety value.


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Thus, Bebe Burp's Jowar Cheesy Blast can be easily incorporated into your baby's diet to provide them calorie-controlled nutrition. Jowar, also known as sorghum protein, is superior to wheat protein in terms of digestibility and biological value. This means that the proteins from sorghum would be easily digested and available for absorption by the baby's body.

This product contains:

  • Bebe Burp Grandma's Super Puffs Jowar Cheesy Blast Pack Of 4 - 35 gms each (1)