There's White Rice And Brown Rice But Ever Heard Of Red Rice?

Vanam Organic Red Rice is here. Ever wanted a bit of a twist in your dinner table? How about switching up plain white rice for some Vanam Organic Red Rice?

It might be an understatement to say that this switch is one that you will likely not be regretting. This Vanam Organic Red Rice also has a nutty flavor that is quite different from what plain white rice tastes like. And This quirky flavor might be exactly what your palate needs if you've been wishing for a change in your meals. And did you wonder why this rice is red in color? Well, Vanam Organic Red Rice is red because of the presence of anthocyanins that pigment. These plant pigments impart color to the traditional white rice imparting certain benefits to it at the same time. So, you know change isn't necessarily a bad thing.

And when change is from traditional white rice to Vanam Organic Red Rice, we'll go as far as to say that it might end up being a very good thing!