Gooseberry Honey-500gms

Honey Gooseberry is a delicious and nutritious snack that satiates your sweet tooth and provides you with immunity boosting nutrients.
The Amla are soaked in fresh raw honey for 40 days to prepare this product. This is a 100% natural and homemade product, free of chemicals, preservatives, and artificial flavors.
The product has a sweet and sour taste and is delightful to eat, plus highly nutritious due to the presence of Honey and Amla.
Health benefits:
It strengthens the liver and prevents jaundice
It eliminates bile buildup from the body and flushes out toxins from the liver, thus, increasing its function
It heals digestive troubles and ensures proper digestion of food
It increases your appetite
It provides relief from constipation and piles
This product contains:
- Gooseberry Honey(500gm) (1)