Karanj Honey-500gms

Karanj Honey is produced by bees who suck nectar from flowers of the Karanj or Ungue tree. This tree is famous for its medicinal properties. Do you know Karanj twigs are used as toothbrush? This is not all. Karanj tree is used as raw material for medicines.
Imagine how nutritious and beneficial the honey from Karanj flowers will be! Karanj Honey is collected fresh from the natural honeycomb hives of well-maintained farms in Kerala. It is a great choice for children.
Added benefit: Because it comes from the medicinal tree Karanj, it has the potential to heal skin-related issues and wounds due to its antiseptic property. It boosts immunity and can easily be used by diabetics. This honey is used to treat cold, cough, and diarrhea.
Karanj Honey has a sweet aroma. A great choice for the health conscious. Grab the jar now.
This product contains:
- Karanj Honey-500gm (1)