Castor Oil-100ml

Made from organically grown castor seeds collected from organic farms of Gujrat cold-pressed using traditional methods to produce minimal heat during the processing to retain the nutritional value. The light aroma of Castor Oil is boosted by its health benefits.


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Richness in natural regenerative compounds that help in treating minor cuts and wounds. Gut-friendly Ricinoleic Acids that aid digestion and promote healthy microbiome in our digestive tract. Skin moisturising fatty acids help in nourishing the epidermis. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce painful swellings and further infections. Castor oil reduces the risk of heart disease in the long run. It contains pain-reducing properties. It helps in treating acne. Antimicrobial properties help in treating early symptoms of infections. Castor oil helps in reducing hair fall and dandruff.

This product contains:

  • Castor Oil(100ml (1)