Coconut Vinegar Hair Tonic-100ml

Coconut Vinegar - Nourishes hair whilst removing excess sebum and buildup on the scalp and hair shaft. It contains 17 amino acids, enzymes, vitamin C, broad spectrum B vitamins and minerals. Our Coconut Vinegar is made from the sap of the coconut tree. These trees thrive and grow in mineral rich volcanic soil.


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The powerful yet gentle way to balance the pH of skin and hair. If you're a fan of using apple cider vinegar as a toner or hair rinse, time for an upgrade. Packed with amino acids and vitamins B and C to detox and refine skin and revitalize hair, Coconut Vinegar is your new multitasking BIY (Blend-It-Yourself) essential.

This product contains:

  • Coconut Vinegar Hair Tonic-100ml (1)