Himalayan Hibiscus-Rose-30gms

Himalayan Hibiscus-Rose-30gms

A stunning and vibrant blend of Hibiscus and rose petals makes this tea a health powerhouse. High in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, Himalayan Hibiscus - Rose tea is often considered to be the best herbal infusions for overall health and wellness.


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Health benefits continuous use of Himalayan hibiscus rose red tea may boost your immune system as hibiscus rose red tea contains polyphenols and it is rich in antioxidants that may help to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body. This can reduce the risk of developing many significant health complications such as heart health and diabetes. Some more benefits are, hydrates the body, alleviates stress and it also promotes better sleep.

This product contains:

  • Himalayan Hibiscus-Rose-30gms (1)