Namhya Kashmiri Saffron-1gms

Namhya Kashmiri Saffron-1gms

"We procure our Kashmiri Saffron directly from the highlands of pampered in Jammu and Kashmir. The full strand inside the saffron flower with a red top and yellow bottom is called Lacha.


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  • These saffron flowers contain Lacha strands that are handpicked by unprivileged farmers for days together.
  • A powerful antioxidant, it helps improve mood and depressive symptoms. It also acts as an Aphrodisiac (helps boost libido)
  • Reduces symptoms of PMS, helps with acne, dark spot, and blemishes
    Improves Memory"

This product contains:

  • Namhya Kashmiri Saffron-1gm (1)