Giloy Powder-100gms

Giloy in its natural form is known for its immunity boosting properties that help in enabling the body to fight common bacteria and virus causing diseases. This formulation is a powerhouse of excellent nutrients and vitamins. It's the finest source of antioxidants which fight free radicals, protect your cells, and promotes a healthy respiratory system.


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  • Beneficial for easing pitta imbalances like the burning sensation of hand and feet, allergic reactions, skin inflammation and general fever.
  • It helps in balancing the 3 doshas of the body. It is solely made up with ‘Giloy’ also known as Guduchi, a popular herb in the ayurvedic world.
  • It has been used in ancient herbal medicines and is known for its anti-arthritic, antipyretic, digestive, anti-inflammatory, iron boosting properties.

This product contains:

  • Giloy Powder-100gms (1)