Bebe Burp Organic Family Combo(4 Cookie(150gm each)s+12 Healthy Puff(35gm each))-Pack of 16-980gms

Bebe Burp Organic Family Combo(4 Cookie(150gm each)s+12 Healthy Puff(35gm each))-Pack of 16-980gms

Add more flavor and taste to the concept of cookies. This all-natural used ingredient cookie is the perfect snack for your kid's tiffin or playtime. You can enjoy these cookies at home, at work, or on travel. Whole Wheat, Ragi, and Oats & Raisins and Cookies.


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The ingredients in this cookie are chock full of calcium, protein, and fiber. The ghee used in the making is also gluten-free ensuring you a natural homemade cookie taste. All our cookies have natural sweeteners like jaggery, we do not use sugar which is the main cause of tooth decay and obesity in children.
Ragi, Jowar, Quinoa, Soya, Multigrain, and Chocolate in the form of puffs that can be had as a snack. Nutritious and healthy to digest, it can be fed to your baby as a snack. These Puffs are an ideal addition to your growing toddler's diet chart from the age of 12 months onward.

This product contains:

  • Bebe Burp Organic Family Combo(4 Cookie(150gm each)s+12 Healthy Puff(35gm each))-Pack of 16 (1)